Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Mikes Blog

Welcome to Mikes blog!


Mike said...

Hello everybody, my name is Mike, like most of you I am in my 3rd year of a psych degree which because I started off part-time is going to take me four years. I have enjoyed the degree and learned quite a bit but am begining to wonder whats in store after I finish.

-What does everybody plan to do when they graduate?

-What kind of jobs are availible for a person with an undergrad psych degree?

-Does anyone plan on doing honours or any other post-grad studies?

Karen Woods said...

Hi Mike,
I'm intending on post grad, hoping I'll get into Honours. I want to combine my psych interests with my writing interests - maybe down the track, after lots more study and real-life psych work experience, I'll do some Narrative Therapy with people.