Friday, October 12, 2007

Another high school shooting

On Wednesday there was yet another U.S high school shooting in Cleveland. This made me think about the psyhchological impact of bullying on kids. Not to say going on a shooting spree is the answer but seeing the way some kids are continously victimized it doesn't suprise me that it happens.

What are your thoughts on the psychological impact of bullying??


Rach said...

You bring up an interesting point...Our text talks about the columbine shootings in 1999, the points raised indicated that while bullying from the athletes provoked the shooters their response was far from average. They were not bullied and bullied to a point where they snapped and just started shooting, they planned their massacre more than a year in advance. I don’t know if this means the bullying was so severe that their plans only strengthened with time or if the shooters had glorified the massacre in their minds to be so much more than just avenging bullies. The shooters had said "Directors will be fighting over this story" "Tarantino, Spielberg..." Our text compares the shooter's quotes to typical narcissistic quotes (with very close matches). I think that while bullying may have given the initial blow to the shooters ego it was their personality type that caused the violent response..... [Just a thought?]

School counsellors should still be combating bullying the best they can, but perhaps students who are teased and bullied who also show narcissistic tendencies should have very close attention paid to them…?

Mike said...

Hey Rach,

Thats a good point about the columbine shootings. Its interesting that they had such narcissistic tendencies.

I definitely agree about counsellors keeping an eye on 'at risk' kids.

One of the shocking things about the Cleveland shooting was that the mother bought her son the weapons!! So he may have inherited a susceptibility to violent behavior from his mother. This, being bullied at school and dysfunctional home life would all play some role in his extreme behavior.

I wonder wether there are any studies on the antecedents to high school massacres??

breona duncan said...

hi all, just an interesting point on the shootings from a personal point of view, being a tasmanian and living in tassie at the time of the port arthur massacre just interesting to see the effect on the community, also just before the massacre there was a tasmanian who shot his three daughters before shooing himself, which also had an incredible impact on those around him. What both these people had in common in addition to both having terrible consequences is that they both suffered from mental illness. To me that also poses the question of how this is a different catalyst instead of the issue often involved with highschool shootings where there is often the element of bullying, or want of control, while there may be underlying mental instability.

So it begs the question of course as to, 1, why has Australia responded so positively to the gun reforms
2 what can be done for the US to "see the light" and take make changes to the current laws and practices. As previously noted also has films such as Michael Moore had an impact at all on the US psyche or do Hollywood films and the "country bumpkin" beliefs overide any of this thought to change.
And for Australia what is the current state of our mental health system and the support services available

anyway hope this has given a couple of different things to think about

Anonymous said...

hello rach
thank for giving information regarding columbin shootings in 1999.
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